COLONEUM Antik - Alwin Homeier Informations
- Company:
- COLONEUM Antik - Alwin Homeier
- Address:
- Watmarkt 3 – 93047 Regensburg
- Phone:
- +49 (0) 941 - 52 300
- Handy:
- +49 (0) 171 – 85 194 25
- Fax:
- +49 (0) 941 - 56 762 14
- Mail:
- Internet:
- Owner:
- Mr. Alwin Homeier
- Legal entity:
- Sole trader
- Chamber of commerce:
- IHK Regensburg, Handwerkskammer Niederbayern/Oberpfalz
- Corporate tax ID:
- DE811543359
- Privacy-policy:
- Privacy-policy
Alternative Dispute Resolution in accordance with Art. 14 (1) ODR-VO and § 36 VSBG:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolutions, which you can find here: Furthermore, our company does not participate in consumer dispute proceedings.
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